Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ron continues a little further too .......

Hi Mark, glad you are ok, couldnt contactt you at all. Great work!!! Saw the boys off on the train this morning and it made me feel a bit sad and lonely, mark also headed off on his bike to Family in Brussells.  Sunday 29 th Zaya & Gabby (proprietors of our hotel in Reims) have been great to me . Last night she cooked me dinner. Gave me champagne  and chivas free. I served a customer, made friends with the clients, one of whom was a very big champion champers grower. Monday 30 th crusants, tea juice and a fond goodbye. Gauby insisted we swap details for my safety, what a nice man. Left Reims at about 9.00am and took B roads cos they are safer with less traffic. Used the maps in phone really well till I lost service and got lost. Had to use small toy compass Yarn gave me to keep riding south. Scenery was stunning in the champagne region. Had to hide  for cover during a huge rain storm but didn't last long. Finally rode into Monti........... And found an old home run by an old couple serving old meals, what can you expect for 45E . Next morning I adjusted the brakes and headed for Fontainbluer 110 km away . I thoroughly enjoyed the ride as it was sunny, tailwind and no rush at all. With 25 km to go I met my first cyclist whilst riding . He was a fit looking guy of about  my age. We chatted for a while, each in our own language but we managed very well. He insisted on giving me his goo's (riders food) them offered to draft me into Fontainbluer . An offer way too good to refuse considering I was only doing about 22 km per hr . He upped the rate but kept checking with me till we rode all the way into town doing  34km per hour. One for the Aussies!! I followed him through town straight to the palace where Napoleon lived! What a treat as he showed me around including the changing of the guard @ the lake with the biggest carp I have ever seen. I found the Victoria hotel & for a mere 88E per night I can  live very well. The reason I chose Fontainbluer is because Dad came here just before he returned to Glasgow. I wil meet up with one of my ex staff who is in France for a year. Regards Ron

1 comment:

  1. Sacre bleu he's gone to Fontainbleu! and all charged up on Gooo! Keep enjoying the trip and weather Ronnie; it's diabolical here; cold and raining for the first day of Spring. Still no government and Saints play the Cats Friday night in the first semi! Isn't it great when you have that freedom to just go anywhere and meet up with great people along the way. Enjoy
