Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Still no Internet. Sorry to all our readers

Continued.................  We were rewarded, however, with a very stately building that was once the grandest of town halls . Ant cunningly negotiated a room each for us at a mere $ 40 AUD or 23GBP . It gets better, dinner was the grandest feast yet . Nigel devoured his sourcrout soup.  With beers, fine Spanish wine, and finished with the most expensive bottle of desert (pudding) wine in the cellar ! $34 AUD.  or 19 GBP . We were the only guests in the hotel so you can imagine the attention we got 10/10 for food, wine, service, value & accomm. We are in Vsetin but just down the road in Ostrava and where Dad rolled into as an orderly in the Russian army. He tended wounds of soldiers & civilians day and night in the town hall.   All this area was devastated by war. Brno was where he found the famous jeep, we are heading there tomorrow. Can't wait !   .........Ron


  1. WOW, Just love the reports Ronnie; I feel as though I'm practically there with you all. Esp. when you start describing the food and booze! Fantastic. Mark; how are you liking the hilly bits? probably a snap with those fancy wheels on your bike eh? Makes Beach Road a bit of a doddle!

  2. Well done fatboys, awesome reading! This is Woolfs' grandaughter with the spirit of aventure also running thick and strong through her veins. Just returned from Arnhem land, absolutely incredible... Thank you dad, for instilling the confidence, courage and enjoyment of the simple things in life in me.... I am eternally greatful and happy to see you are living this example still... You are truely my dad.... and i am blessed. So fatboys enjoy every moment like its your last... Great Adventure to follow...love Tarnie (Planning the next adventure...)We all have the bug... oh and what a good one to have!
    P.s. Kieran is loving the journey aswell and is inspired and in awe, and is re-reading the book..
