Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Train to Opole, so no riding today. Layday!

Congratulations to Jon & Katie ,today is their 5th wedding anniversary .  Sorry you can't be with each other today but we need our trusty cameraman to record this epic journey . Jon is so passionate about his filming, I love being around people who love their work/hobby. He is adding another exciting & humorous dimension to this Fatboy's ride . Thanks Katie for your contribution to this event !     Just before I left for this ride my Mum told me that straight after the war dad lived with a sister ( he was the youngest of 17 by the way) when there was a knock on the door from the war office telling her that dad was killed in Europe........ What a laugh!!!?!   Next part of our journey takes us to where many events happened to dad including being shot in the chest with a luger, delivering a baby, taking revenge on a German soldier who shot 2 boys . We will be on the train today for about. 8 hours. Will keep you informed . Hi Dan ( Digit to all our readers) we had a drink to you and seriously miss your company on this ride. Rita, keep trying to post a comment, it must work eventually. Mark's family, we have ALL our expenses very accurately recorded on a spreadsheet for the first time on any ride.  Rachael, how's your rib? We miss you, wish you were here, then Ant would stop talking about you. More news as it unfolds .  Ron 


  1. Following the military theme; I went to the Cenotaph yesterday at noon for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day; it was brass monkey stuff with me, six dogs and a bunch of hardy Diggers in attendance. Oh, and the Premier. Speaking of military themes; Ronaldo; see what you can do to convince the FB's that their next major trip should be Kokoda [minus the bikes!] Enjoy Opole and give my regards to my old mate Ryszard Zembaczynski [Mayor, known as RZ to his mates] Cheers

  2. Happy anniversary darling, sorry we're not together... I shall bore Laurence with our wedding album instead!!!!!!

    (The exclamation and question marks were written because I thought I was being sloppy!!!!)

    8 HOURS ON THE TRAIN... Thought this was a cycle ride!!!!!!!

    Enjoy yourselves, and stay safe, lots of love to you all,
    Katie and the gang x
