Sunday, August 15, 2010


Mark woke early to assemble his bike that arrived compliments of Lufthanser at 1 :45 am Brekky then on our bikes to join the others in their city hotel. Bike and packed panniers weigh about 25 kilo's so they took a few km to get used to the weight considering my bike at home weighs 8 kg. Mark was not impressed. We all met Sergey at the train station to collect our tickets then a walking tour of Kiev . Grand, but a bit tired. So much history and so little time to see it. Tonight we train it in overnight sleepers to L'vov. That's where dad and Andy met the 1st Ukraine army. I will also visit Rita's ( my wifes) dad's birth place. More later .by the way it's 35degrees.....bloody hot. Ron


  1. Raining and 10 degrees in Melbourne. Saints had a 52 point win yesterday over North Melbourne! 25kg sounds normal, I bet Nigel's is heavier!? Have a great start from L'vov.

  2. Mark, Enjoy ur ride. I have emailed you so please check ur reg email.
    regard henryr
