Thursday, August 12, 2010

Post a comment

If you want to post a comment and I hope you do, click the word "comments" then type in the white box. Don't forget it is public viewing, so don't be naughty. Ron & Mark


  1. The Fat Boys are on the way; Look out Kiev. Are you guys going to be effected by the bush fires and smoke from Russian territory? I'd hate to think it was an excuse to spend more time in bars!

  2. Good luck guys!
    Jon set off this morning... Slightly anxious about his fitness, but I have every confidence in him!!!!
    Looking forward to seeing the film!!!!
    Katie Chappell x

  3. AH Katie; you know what they say[who ever THEY are?!] ....the film is never as good as the book!
    Knowing Jon's expertise he just might prove them wrong! Can't wait.

  4. hi Katie, Jon is worried about fitness, Mark is worried about carrying too much weight in his panniers, I am worried about various parts of my body holding up......nothing that a beer or two wont fix, anyway we will all be looking out for each other. Great to see you on the blog.
    Cheers Ron

  5. Hi Ronnie!
    Its Mich! Sounds like ur having an amazing time!
    Love reading ur stuff!

  6. Hi Ron, Michael Selby here......just sighted your blog...trip of a lifetime, sounds like a great bunch to ride with!!!..I'm sure your Dad's looking down with Pride (?? seen any of those ancient Roman ruins..not sure if you remember your dad's joke ??)Thanks for sharing the adventure, cheers Michael
