Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, we arrived at Kiev airport on an uneventful flight and bumped straight into the other members of our Fatboys who were assembling their bikes in the busy airport. I spotted my bike box but poor Mark was not so bike, it was left in Munich. After a stressful discussion with the airline the box was finally delivered to our hotel at1.45 am, The stress is over and a good breakfast in us and we are off to meet the others in the city of Kiev. By the way poor Rachael is not with Antony as she was test riding her new bike for this trip and crashed, she cracked a rib so now there are five. Really sorry to hear that, as I was looking forward to meeting up again.
Mark was not impressed when we packed our bikes and couldn'd lift the back of it off the ground.....Day 1 is underway

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're all together and your bikes have survived the airport and their 'baggage throwers'!
    Good luck you guys, and lots of love from
    Katie and the little fellas x
