Thursday, August 19, 2010

Train ride

Breakfast in Lublin in the Grand Hotel Lublinianka was a real treat with latka's (traditional apple pancake) , pastries , b&e etc. We justified the big brekky by having a Turkish bath and sauna the night before. By the way we rated dinner last night at the Magia 10/10 ,definitely worth a visit if you like perfect service, fine wine & beer oh and the food was scrumptious . We are on the train now for 8 hours to Wroclaw (Breslau) Looking out the windows at a scenery now tranquil, but dad saw it differently. At Kielce he came under heavy artillery fire & thought his days were numbered. Just out of Radom a couple in panic pleaded for help as she was about to give birth. She was put into the back of their jeep where , much to the cheers of the crowds, dad proceeded to deliver a fine baby boy for the couple. New innocent life being brought into a world of turmoil. He was a self taught hospital orderly at the time, and ad-libbed ,as this was certainly not in the commando training manual. Anna , the tour guide at Stalag V111b emailed me to say she has a surprise for us when we arrive on Friday night....... What could it be? I am sitting opposite a tangle
 of bikes as the "special carriage" for them did not materialize . The ticket collectors are not happy, luckily we can't understand them....... More later.  Signing off.. Your intrepid reporter, Ronaldo Blint


  1. Hi Ronnie
    Great to get my "fatboys fix" each day and read all about your adventures. You know I love to hear about food from different countries, so appreciate your menu descriptions. Hard to imagine Dad doing what he did like delivering babies in the middle of a war. Hope you are not called upon to do the same! We are in the dying throes of election fever here and all is well. Tonight Mum will get to read in detail your blogsite and that will make her day. Till next time, love you and "watch how you go". Avril

  2. Hi dad,
    My first post although I've been enjoying reading the updates everyday.
    I don't know how you go with pronouncing the places you visit. They all sound like made up words and tongue twisters.
    The food sounds amazing! Very different from good old aussie food.
    Cant wait to hear what this surprise is tonight.
    Lots of love xxx
    p.s. i hope you didnt injure yourself when you fell off your bike a few days back!

  3. BIG day on Friday Boys. Will be thinking of you all esp Ronnie. For those of us watching this story unfold if you have a moment go to:
    There are many pictures of the camp and many stories of those incarcerated there. Cheers

  4. Ronaldo; I've worked out what the surprise is! As you may know, the elections here are on a knife edge, Tony Abbott is still campaigning like mad. He needs YOUR vote and is coming over to get it personally before Saturday! He will be there waiting for you dressed up in Budgie smugglers and carrying a Bren Gun; don't be concerned about the gun; he doesn't know how to use it!

  5. Hey Dan, a bigger suprise would be for Tony to turn up and debate the economy.

    Brian C

  6. Turkish baths, saunas and 10/10 dining... Feeling rather jealous... Cheese and ham sarnies whilst building (very impressive for a girl) train tracks here!!!

    Thunder and storms in Cumbria presently!!!

    Take good care, and lots of love from
    Katie and the boys
    x x x

  7. Hi Ron, Mark and the Fat Boys crew
    Love the Blog, sounds like you are having a fantastic trip, keep up the blogging.
    Election day here, You are missing nothing!
    Have Fun,
    Cheers Alex

  8. Hi Ron have just signed in sounds as if ur having an amazing time keep safe and enjoy luv Anne xx
