Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rain and whiskey

We reluctantly rode away from the best hotel yet and yes at last it was raining..... Constantly. Our objective was the Jelinek whiskey distillery  25 km away & a choo choo for Brno. With the precision of a brain surgeon , Ant led us up goat tracks , villages, vertical wet muddy hills to the top of the world , the cows were shocked to see us ! We all made it safely but puffed. Downhill was a total rush. Caution was foremost is our minds until Ant passed me whistling some boring tune, I can't have that , so I reluctantly lifted my hands off the brakes . Later in the bar he had to admit he was suitably impressed with my  bravery bordering stupidity . But at least I passed him !! At the distillery we were given a private viewing of it's history  in English. A Jewish family that perished during the war. How sad. Fruit wines were offered at the tasting but that's not what we were there for, so again we had our own special tasting. Back on the bikes & very pleased with ourselves we happened along the British Scoda rally car team, Phil  Wilks & Guy Pugh. They were as surprised to meet us and hear our story as we were to meet them. Their event starts next week . Being wished a good  , safe journey by them was a real honor. Handshakes & photos  in the rain then we were off. ............to be .continued .........

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