Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Zamosc to Lublin with detours.

The weather was perfect for a transport stage to Lublin.
18 degrees and overcast.
Zamosc was a lovely spot and could have spent the day there, we had a traditional Polish dinner in the Hotel Senator. We started with Beetroot soup and dumplings and we had a fare of traditional Polish food that we tasted each others. Antony finish with the piece deristance Warm Beer with Pinks! we will leave that up too your imagination.It was not what we thought it would be.

Todays ride statrted with great gusto and we made the first 60 kilometers by lunch, a cracking pace. Unfortunately luch was pizza and beers the normal 2 hour siesta!
John fell asleep with his beer in one hand and the pizza in the other. We had the normal hand signs and paper to work out what we we actually ordering, all went prety close to plan except for Ron's pizza was yet to be definned.

The decission was to go the last 25 kilometers on the B roads and have a stop.
Antony lead off several times down dead ends, then Nigel took control and we finally started moving in the direction of Lubin.

We arrived at 6.00 a very slow 25 kilometers due urgent hydration issues that occurred for Antony. Purely for Medicinal purposes only. He was saved for terrible dehydration.........

We are staying in a very nice Hotel in Lubin that had a Sauna that helped relieve tired bodies.

That it for now from Nigel and Mark.

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