Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Cont.........  Arriving at the train station , Nigel promptly bought the tickets and announced that we had three trains to connect us to Brno . first in 8 minutes, connection in 4 minutes , next 2 minutes!!!!   If it can be done , we can do it! And bloody hell do it we did!! Finding the correct platforms and running/ riding flat out , up and down stairs ,it was a blur but we rolled into Brno & congratulated Nigel to the max. Just out of Brno is where dad found his abandoned jeep, the one that took him all the way to Reims   . It was German, so he removed the I.D. This is also where he used it to extract a man from a work/ concentration camp as a favor to someone he met in Brno............  More to come. .Ron

1 comment:

  1. Love the visual image of you all racing to get these trains. Its a major feat in itself finding the platforms of strange train stations and jumping on just in time! Very impressive!!

    Mel xxx
