Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"no bikes on train". 16th

"no bikes on train" 16th  . After a magnificent meal on the rooftop of a very classy restaurant we gathered at the hotel , bikes at the ready . With only 20 minutes to do a 30 min ride to the station in the dark in a strange city, we were off! Two wrong turns later saw up run from platform to platform looking for our train. We finally made it with ten min to spare........ So we thought. We we greeted at a very busy platform with a stern "no bikes on train" how can this be possible,  Sergai , who sold us the tickets said" bikes ok". No amount of pleading, bribing , begging would sway our little authoritarian . A passerby took up our fight in Ukrainian . A crack in her armor appeared & we disassembled every bike & threw them on the crowded sleeper as it pulled away! All was good but that was close . Too close!!! More later from a very grateful Ron 

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