Sunday, August 8, 2010

Well we made it to Croatia, a very long flight.
Some how my bike box got opened and my lights an computer were removed, the world has not come to a horrible end yet. No great drama.
Ronnie is hype active as usual. We are stnned by the beauty of Split and Dubrovnik. We marvel at the biuildings and how these small towns evoled from the Roman times.
Yesterday we went for a longer ride around Split. It all started well and we rode about 20 klms in the heat , then we found a park unfortunatly for me it a hill, a shorter version of Arthurs Seat. Yes we rode up it. We came back and fell a sleep at 8 , that was the end of our day. Thats my update. all the bestt from Mark.


  1. typical it would be you that has your stuff stolen. i am glad you arrived safely and that the scenery is impressive. i did the city to surf yesterday and i am a bit sore.
    regards tillycorp
    ps ruth wants the blog address.

  2. There you go; already making donations to the poor and needy; some little kid will be loving lights on his tricycle and a computer in a language he can't understand! Glad you are enjoying Split and Dubrovnik. Hope you find the time to take a ferry to Bol or one other of the islands. Envious as hell! Cheers lads . Digit
