Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No Internet coverage

A nice breakfast was enjoyed out doors in perfect weather, then it was off to the money changer to get some Koruny (Czech republic ) currency. There is no doubt the value here is superb for us Aussies and Britt's alike. Our target destination today was Vsetin , a mere 80 km (50miles) ish .  Right from the start we knew it wasn't going to be easy as there was a blistering head wind to contend with, as if that wasn't enough it was all up hills big enough to make a grown man cry. 19 km. Later and about an hour later, we stopped for a break and most of us had now drunk all the water we were carrying and nearly all our snacks lifted from the buffet breakfast this morning. We thought the hills were over but we were wrong...... They were relentless . By 1:00 pm we were not half way and the heat was wig us again! Antony & Nigel had decide that the bike paths were going to be more interesting as well as safer so that's what we did. Then we happened on the find of the day, and there is one every day in this country of great surprises . The " blabla bar. An outdoor bar hidden away from tourists behind a tatoo shop . Tables made of engine parts , helmet hooks made of steel offcuts, stools made of 20 gallon steel drums, cool motorbike related posters . If you like a drink and bikes and cars then you would think you had died and gone to heaven.  Did I tell you about lunch? Well , that was great too, and so so cheap. The only complaint was she filled Mark's water bottle from the toilets. No one else's, go figure. We hit the bike track for the last time & high tailed it for the city of Vsetin. Now when we rode into town the first hotel was fully booked but not to be deterred we headed for the little hotel just around the corner, (according to the receptionist at the first hotel). Up the biggest hill in town, no the world 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no the dreaded head wind... Glad you survived!
    Much love,
    Katie and the boys... They're home!!!!
