Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mark continues a little further

The Fatboys celebrated the end of a fantastic ride covering a good part of Europe, in a fitting and dignified manner... They made me say that...... They sent the trip off in fine fashion, I did not see them this morning, I am sure they will able to sleep on their journey back to the UK.
I made the decision to challenge myself just that little bit extra. My kind, cousin Franciou invited me to Brussels. So the next decision was how was going to get to Brussels. There are always options, as per usual I have chosen the hardest one..... To ride from Reims to Brussels or at least give it a go.
Pushing off early at 7.45, I thought I would get a good start, not knowing the terrain. As to be expected it took me over an hour to find the right road out of Reims. I planned to get 100 klms in, if I could. The mornings ride was in perfect conditions at least for an hour and a half, I was starting to feel confidant that this would be easy, being Sunday there were few people on the road, the passing scenery was picture perfect. The rest of the day shattered my confidence, I had headwinds and crosswinds, hills and of course some heavy rain. Next challenge came trying to buy lunch, being Sunday everything was closed not like Australia. Luckily I was able to find bakery in the morning and at 4.30pm.
The next issue was accommodation for the night, after Anthony's successes I thought it was going to be easy, at about 3.30 I found a magnificent hotel but thought I could get a bit more in before I find a Hotel for the night, big mistake!!
At 4.00 I was tired wet and hungry so, with my 100klms in the bag it was time to find lodgings for the night. I passed a few flee pits and thought I could do better. Stopped and asked several locals and finally at 135klms found a two star, the only Hotel in Avesnes sur Helpe. Should be easy nah, something in French could not understand, what it said, so there was a phone number, except it didn't have the country code for France. After agonizing if I should go on or try a little harder for another hotel "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", I realized how tired and cold I was so I rang cousin Franciou to help me with the country code. Franciou came to the rescue again, with the much needed number.
Having had dinner and a long shower I am feeling much better about the world, having had another memorable day, well worth the effort. I hope tomorrow will not be as testing. Aim to get about 15 to 20 klms out of Brussels so that I have plenty of time to find Franciou's home.
Well that is it from Mark for today, hope the boy's get back to the UK in good time.
A special thanks to Nigel for lending me a map. He is very particular about his maps.
Mark is the pack, so I guess I have made it to the front of the pack.


  1. Great stuff Mark; and full points for persistence. I'm deeply impressed with your effort mate!Your right about Nigel and his maps; but he would also give you his right arm if you needed it! Cheers and ride safely.

  2. Good luck with the rest of your journey!

    We're just awaiting Jon's return with baited breath... Should be within the next hour!

    No calves head in the offering for him, but homemade bread and soup... Poor in comparison to what you've been eating!!! (Then of course he can get on with the list of jobs that Ive been compiling over the last 17 days, he he he ; ))

    Kind Regards and best of luck,

    Katie, George and Jacob Chappell
