Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Island of Vis 11 of August 2010

Island of Vis.Two hour ferry ride from Split to visit the island of Vis. One of the smaller islands of Croatia. We decided not to take bikes after yesterday big ride. So Easy Rider Ron, decided that motor cycle would the mode of transport for the day. Arrived at about 11.30to find out that we could not get a motor cycle till 1.00. Ron was hungry, so we had a snack beside another picturesque harbor. Each harbour is better than the last one. After eating we followed a laneway to a small shops that housed an artist who returned after the communist left. He gave Ron a glass of wine that his family had made and was selling in his shop. The motor cycle was at the bottom end of the range and had it's work cut out carrying Ron and I, possibly not my smartest move. We rode to Komiza which was another stunning harbour with beautiful little beach. We swam and had another drink. It was idealic, we then started the 14 kilometer return passing several other towns a long the coast. We stopped off for another drink before catching the two hour ferry ride back to Split. Our general opinion is that Croatian is one of the most desirable holiday destinations we have seen. We would have liked to have a sail but it just didn't work out. All the best Mark.

1 comment:

  1. Love to see pictures of you two half pissed on a motor bike together!! Yeh! Scary stuff! Meant to say on the Brac comment; did you realize the stone for the White House in Washington all came from Brac? Hence the name "White House"
