Thursday, August 12, 2010

On the eve

By jeep to freedom.  Well I am on the eve of the big ride. I must say I am very excited considering I have been talking about it for a long time now.  My dear father , Woolf, died on 7/11/99 while Rita and I were in New Zealand on holiday. It was most unexpected for me as I visited him the day we left three days earlier, all seemed very normal. I guess I never got to say good bye as one would if I had prior warning but  I had many opportunity to tell him how I admired & loved him  during my daily visits with him. He had dimenture for his last five years but we had the richest times together. His love, and sharp humor were always a delight. I found myself driving faster as I dropped in on him. The day after I returned with Rita for the funeral Mum gave me his army documents including the cloth insignia of his unit, V1 Highland light infantry (Scotland). The need came upon me & I did a very unusual thing for a Jewish boy, I had it replicated on my left upper arm as a tattoo. I have never since felt a loss for him as I feel him with me all the time & during the tougher things I have done I feel his presence . He was a true adventurer in every sense and I guess I love taking him with me on my trecks 'cos I know he would do them given the chance again. Riding the toughest mountains I often talk to him & touch my arm..... I always make it .   I hope you enjoy the Fatboy's ride with me as we cross 5 countries & follow a great man's journey, Unlike dad's treck, we don't expect to have people shooting at us......... I hope    Regards Ron 

1 comment:

  1. Mate; that is such a GREAT tribute and prelude to the ride; I'm sure I speak for others, but having read your words I just can't wait for the journey to begin and to read the next instalment, especially knowing Woolf is there too in spirit. Have a wonderful adventure and a safe ride. Digit
