Sunday, August 22, 2010

A note from the back of the pack.

Yesterday was another great day in paradice, in spite of being on the warm side.
We rode into Czech Republic with out fanfare just went over the river.
Antony and Nigel have been doing an excellent job of Navigating, John must have travelledd 30% more doing his filming. Ron has been pressing on hard with Antony and I have been admiring the view from the back. Just before we mafde the boarder yesterday we re hydrated outside a local store Ron feel asleep on the grass catching flys in his mouth, it was not long before we all ha a little nap.. Like you comments Dan.
A note from the back. Mark

1 comment:

  1. Well done guys... Proud of you cycling in that heat!!!

    Looking forward to the film... His best yet apparently!!!!!

    Take good care of yourselves,
    Katie x
