Friday, August 27, 2010


Cont....This stage of Dad's journey he was in his jeep and trying to make for Paris in order to repatriate back to Scotland, he was assisting an alleged priest to get out of Europe too. At Juvisy sur Orge ( just down the road from us) the jeep broke down. The priest went into town to get help and  a female mechanic came to their rescue on her bike. She cleaned the fuel filter and they were on their way again, but now they were three. Louisa and Dad were  about to become an item!? Dad driving, Louisa the front passenger & the priest in the back of the jeep with her bike. ............ Back to the fatboys, we jumped off the train at Chalons-en-Champange and started riding and I must say it was great to back on the bike again. Along the canals as the track narrowed until it was too narrow at all. Antony recalculated and made for a pub, we followed blindly........ Until the rain came down. Spending time in a villages only bus shelter we marveled at nature and all she offers . Cursing finished we belted towards Tours-sur-Marne where we found the only pub and accommodation in town. We accepted his price and settled in as the rain bucketed down outside. Total perfection ! Signing off for the night, Ron your roving reporter. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've managed to get 'on yer bike'!!!!
    Enjoy your last few nights,
    Be careful!
    Katie, Boys, my old Da and Step-Ma too
    x xx x x
