Thursday, August 26, 2010

Joke of the day. Compliments Antony. A sultry woman is trying to get the attention of the bar man who is ignoring her. Fed up with his attitude , she turns on the charm and saunters over to him and twirls his hair, then runs her index finger over his cheek and finally slips it in between his lips. "Ok lady you certainly have my attention now, so what can this hunk of man do for you?"  "Thanks big boy,"
 she says ..... "But the ladies toilets are out of paper!" by the way please excuse the order of things. I can only get things done while trains are in stations very fast. Plenty to tell about the next leg of the journey. Just as soon as we are sorted with hotels..... We are in France !!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Heureux vous l'avez fait à la France!!
    Score pour cette blague est de cinq à dix!!!!!
    Bonne chance avec la dernière partie de votre voyage,
    Beaucoup d'amour,
    Katie et les monstres
    X X X
