Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Blint made it from Kiev to Paris 65 years on

Got away from Fontainbleau like clockwork and was in Paris in about 40 minutes on a fast clean double decker train, no charge for the bike. Very efficient. Jumped straight on the bike and got my bearings no problems, heavy traffic was easy
 as the driver attitude here is calm and stress free. All drivers seem to allow the rights of each other nicely . My theory of , the bigger the population  and the fewer rules works well and there is no resentment of each other. I was on the open top busses all day and never saw one angry incident. Took in all the sights in fine warm weather, don't know why this is not peak season just 'cos it's September . Found a Best Western hotel near the centre of everything for 105E ($147aud) per night. 68E was not livable , by me anyway. Booked in tomorrow for a byo bike tour of this beautiful city. Can't wait!!!! When it's done I will keep riding all day, maybe to Sacre-Coeur, Montmartre, I can't think of a nicer thing to do......exploring on a bike is like flying.    Now that I have arrived in Paris, I feel a great sense of achievement , I embarked on a huge task and at 57 years of age feel like I can do anything now. I guess that's how my father felt when he finally got to Paris after, training, fighting, being shot, bayonetted, captured several times, escaping several times, hiding, disguising, freezing, healing others, helping others and finally making it home to Glasgow. That was not the end of the story for dad, and it won't be my last story either.................. Thanks for following this story. . Ron Blint


  1. We have loved following the journey and have tuned in every day for the latest installment. It certainly reads like the trip of a lifetime and we can't wait to hear way more about this incredible achievment when we're all back in the same city. Your friends sound like an amazing group too. Thanks for the TShirt and safe travels...
    Love Reba and Katie.

  2. Listen you young whipper snapper, just how much faster am I going to have to ride now to keep up with you?!!!Mate, it's been a real honour to follow the journey and to know how proud your dad would be of your achievement. By the way, that little restaurant at the foot of Sacre Coeur that I emailed you about; they also do amazing Angasi oysters [they are the big flat suckers!] Enjoy

  3. Hi it is Rita on the cremes computer. It is so great that you have achieved all that you have. Along with every one else I am so proud of you. Love Rita
