Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nigel and the Fatboy's get home...just

We had a 'business as usual' trip back to the UK! After we re arranged the passengers in our carriage at Reims to get the bikes into the space we had booked, we travelled to Paris where we had an hour to wait for our connection. So we decided to have some musscles and chips at a restaurant, and they weren't to quick, so when it arrived we had 10 minutes to eat it, and pay the bill before charging through the traffic, AND an almighty traffic jam! and into the station, look for the platform, get on and away we went with seconds to spare!!!! No change there then!! When we got to Calais International, the station was 5 miles outside the town, so had to get back on the bikes and pedal into force 8 gale of a head wind into town, all round every where to get to the docks, book onto a ferry with a 90 minute wait, when the heavens opened and the rain came down cutting off the visibility to 20meters! The channel crossing was ok, we got through customs and cycled to the station, bought tickets, had a couple of pints of beer while waiting for the train to arrive, back to St Pancras station in London, back on the bikes, cycle to Euston station, have another pint while waiting for ther train, arrive back at Antonys house about 11:30pm, a quick whiskey as a night cap, and to bed!!! I got back to Macclesfield on Monday about midday, I think I have just about recovered now!!


  1. Never a dull moment with you guys. Thank heavens for the time to grab a few soothing pints as you tackle the hard yards eh?!!! Welcome home.

  2. Not a minute spare seemed to be the way the train rides went all through Europe. Glad you finally got home ok. I arrived at Paris airport exactly 24 hours late!!!!!! But the airline came to the rescue and got me home via Frankfurt instead of Munich . No extra cost either. Thanks Lufthanser and Qantas. Had to make a bike box out of a huge one I found in a Paris street but the concierge was fine about it as I built it in the foyer as other guests walked through it to get to the lift. Home now and happy to be with my family , lots to tell them . Ron
