Sunday, September 5, 2010

Head home tomorrow

Hi,  well I am having a lazy Sunday arvo , but earlier went for a long ride out of the touristy area and ended up by accident in the best know flea market and antique shops and "thieves market" I have ever seen. Saint-quen at the gates of Clignancourt . A  series of markets. The antiques have to be seen to be believed, our High St malvern is a toy shop compared to this. Specializing in, Biron, Vernaison, Serpette, Rosier. Wow! Can't get a bike box for love nor money in Paris so am going to ride to the airport tomorrow and try and buy one from the airlines...... Bit of a gamble  but should be ok?????  Have eaten well, seen so much and travelled so far, I feel like I have done so much this time. The body has held out well and the bike has been perfect , not even a puncture in 850 km & some pretty rough tracks. 2100 km with trains, five countries. I looked at a map of the world today and was shocked at the amount of distance covered. Ah well I'll be home on Tuesday morning and start planning the Vietnam ride. Had a call this morning from a guy in country Victoria who saw my ad and wants to sign up ....... Here we go again . Ron

Sent from Ron's phone. Regards Ron

Sent from Ron's phone. Regards Ron

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