Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ron continues a little further too .......

Hi Mark, glad you are ok, couldnt contactt you at all. Great work!!! Saw the boys off on the train this morning and it made me feel a bit sad and lonely, mark also headed off on his bike to Family in Brussells.  Sunday 29 th Zaya & Gabby (proprietors of our hotel in Reims) have been great to me . Last night she cooked me dinner. Gave me champagne  and chivas free. I served a customer, made friends with the clients, one of whom was a very big champion champers grower. Monday 30 th crusants, tea juice and a fond goodbye. Gauby insisted we swap details for my safety, what a nice man. Left Reims at about 9.00am and took B roads cos they are safer with less traffic. Used the maps in phone really well till I lost service and got lost. Had to use small toy compass Yarn gave me to keep riding south. Scenery was stunning in the champagne region. Had to hide  for cover during a huge rain storm but didn't last long. Finally rode into Monti........... And found an old home run by an old couple serving old meals, what can you expect for 45E . Next morning I adjusted the brakes and headed for Fontainbluer 110 km away . I thoroughly enjoyed the ride as it was sunny, tailwind and no rush at all. With 25 km to go I met my first cyclist whilst riding . He was a fit looking guy of about  my age. We chatted for a while, each in our own language but we managed very well. He insisted on giving me his goo's (riders food) them offered to draft me into Fontainbluer . An offer way too good to refuse considering I was only doing about 22 km per hr . He upped the rate but kept checking with me till we rode all the way into town doing  34km per hour. One for the Aussies!! I followed him through town straight to the palace where Napoleon lived! What a treat as he showed me around including the changing of the guard @ the lake with the biggest carp I have ever seen. I found the Victoria hotel & for a mere 88E per night I can  live very well. The reason I chose Fontainbluer is because Dad came here just before he returned to Glasgow. I wil meet up with one of my ex staff who is in France for a year. Regards Ron

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mark continues a little further

The Fatboys celebrated the end of a fantastic ride covering a good part of Europe, in a fitting and dignified manner... They made me say that...... They sent the trip off in fine fashion, I did not see them this morning, I am sure they will able to sleep on their journey back to the UK.
I made the decision to challenge myself just that little bit extra. My kind, cousin Franciou invited me to Brussels. So the next decision was how was going to get to Brussels. There are always options, as per usual I have chosen the hardest one..... To ride from Reims to Brussels or at least give it a go.
Pushing off early at 7.45, I thought I would get a good start, not knowing the terrain. As to be expected it took me over an hour to find the right road out of Reims. I planned to get 100 klms in, if I could. The mornings ride was in perfect conditions at least for an hour and a half, I was starting to feel confidant that this would be easy, being Sunday there were few people on the road, the passing scenery was picture perfect. The rest of the day shattered my confidence, I had headwinds and crosswinds, hills and of course some heavy rain. Next challenge came trying to buy lunch, being Sunday everything was closed not like Australia. Luckily I was able to find bakery in the morning and at 4.30pm.
The next issue was accommodation for the night, after Anthony's successes I thought it was going to be easy, at about 3.30 I found a magnificent hotel but thought I could get a bit more in before I find a Hotel for the night, big mistake!!
At 4.00 I was tired wet and hungry so, with my 100klms in the bag it was time to find lodgings for the night. I passed a few flee pits and thought I could do better. Stopped and asked several locals and finally at 135klms found a two star, the only Hotel in Avesnes sur Helpe. Should be easy nah, something in French could not understand, what it said, so there was a phone number, except it didn't have the country code for France. After agonizing if I should go on or try a little harder for another hotel "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", I realized how tired and cold I was so I rang cousin Franciou to help me with the country code. Franciou came to the rescue again, with the much needed number.
Having had dinner and a long shower I am feeling much better about the world, having had another memorable day, well worth the effort. I hope tomorrow will not be as testing. Aim to get about 15 to 20 klms out of Brussels so that I have plenty of time to find Franciou's home.
Well that is it from Mark for today, hope the boy's get back to the UK in good time.
A special thanks to Nigel for lending me a map. He is very particular about his maps.
Mark is the pack, so I guess I have made it to the front of the pack.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

40 km today.....The fatboys rode into Reims after some fantastic visits at champagne wineries in the heart of the Champagne region. We rode along side canals with pots of flowers on the bridges.  Every view was a picture, every bend in the road brought a picture post card &  we were always made to feel welcome & everyone showed such interest in our adventure. Ukraine, Poland, Czech republic, Germany & France was our playground & as I said at the start," at least we are not being shot at" unlike dad.      Dad actually went all the way to Paris in the jeep and was repatriated back to Glasgow, but the fatboys have commitments back home so we have to end it here.              As my tribute to my father draws to a close ,,Mum, I hope you have enjoyed reading .  I just want to thank the Fatboys, Antony, Nigel, Jon & guest Mark for allowing me to relive Woolf Blint's extraordinary experiences from 1940 to 1945, our mini trip was from L'vov to Reims 1800km by bike and railway was a very special experience. My Dad and I did many great things together over my lifetime on this glorious planet but this journey was by far the greatest..............Dad , when I grow up I want to be just like you ......Ron Blint

Friday, August 27, 2010

Last blast today

Our accommodation was great last night. Sylvian, the 5th generation proprietor warmed to us throughout the night  and by nights end he photocopied all the details of our trip to read later. He thought the photo of dad in the book was me! ' that's sick" was his comment in a heavy French accent. Our meal was special as usual , however, I must admit it was difficult going watching Ants face as he worked his way through a regional special..... Calves head!!!!! Yes!     He said , "the meat was fine but looking at it was the hard part." I agree. 
Today is our last day of this most interesting journey. Nigel & Ant had the maps out and will make it as interesting as possible no doubt. The rain has stopped, that's good. It has been very special riding a route of such distance and for the reason we have but it's been a totally unique experience blogging along the way . I have now read dads book.... By jeep to freedom ... A total of six times, and saw something different each time. He Was brave to do the journey but very smart to have recorded it.            To all our blog readers , I hope you have been entertained, & to all the contributors, a really heart felt special thank-you for adding another dimension to the experience. Every one has been entertaining. As Sylvian said last night "all things have an end..........except a sausage.......they have two ends".   More later. Ron

From the back of the pack.

The ride is drawing to an end. We had enough of the mad dash to get to Reims. So we decided to ride the last leg instead of taking the train. Once again it worked out well for us. We had lovely lunch in a most imposing town of Nancy a truly stunning town. Then a 2 hour train ride to the heart of the Campane district were we started to do the first riding in three days. We were all happy to be peddling along the cannals until the ominus black clouds appeared. We got in 25 klms before we had to call it a day. We found a place to stay and eat again. The food was up to the standard we have become acustomed to. I do not kn
ow how we will manage when we get home.
So another fine day ends on the Fatboy's 2010 ride. One day to go.

Bye from Mark.


Cont....This stage of Dad's journey he was in his jeep and trying to make for Paris in order to repatriate back to Scotland, he was assisting an alleged priest to get out of Europe too. At Juvisy sur Orge ( just down the road from us) the jeep broke down. The priest went into town to get help and  a female mechanic came to their rescue on her bike. She cleaned the fuel filter and they were on their way again, but now they were three. Louisa and Dad were  about to become an item!? Dad driving, Louisa the front passenger & the priest in the back of the jeep with her bike. ............ Back to the fatboys, we jumped off the train at Chalons-en-Champange and started riding and I must say it was great to back on the bike again. Along the canals as the track narrowed until it was too narrow at all. Antony recalculated and made for a pub, we followed blindly........ Until the rain came down. Spending time in a villages only bus shelter we marveled at nature and all she offers . Cursing finished we belted towards Tours-sur-Marne where we found the only pub and accommodation in town. We accepted his price and settled in as the rain bucketed down outside. Total perfection ! Signing off for the night, Ron your roving reporter. 
Left the hotel de Rhin this morning and picked up the bikes from the big carpark , they were all in the same condition however I can't see how they are any safer than in the street other than being undercover. Anyone with sinister thoughts could easily cut your lock and walk out with a better bike than they walked in with. A quick train to Nancy, we had two hours there, so rode into town to discover the most beautiful and original roman city with courts, shops & restaurants. We needed to eat so selected a fine in/ outdoor place. Friendly assistance in English/French ensured we ate well. My entre of quiche Lorraine was superb as was my main chicken leg with creamed beetroot and salad. Cream brulley   was the best as was the rose'  wine. Magnifique!  (please excuse the spelling) . .....cont.....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dinner last night was voted by the Fatboys as the best so far. It was a French restaurant worthy of bringing our wives/ partners for a romantic, special night out. The petite French quarter is so full of character, every corner you turn is an image worthy of a photograph . Our chef treated us to a culinary three ring circus. The great thing about going in a five some is we can sample a bit of each others meals. Which means we can sample most of the menu. Yesterday we selected the hotel de Rhin as our residence, the bikes had to be housed in the biggest bike park we had ever seen. Just like a modern carpark only for bikes.....wow!   Now be honest how many of our bloggers really knew that Strasbourg was in France? None of us knew, but we won't forget . Ron
Breakfast in Czech republic, lunch in Germany, dinner in France!                               This morning we had to leave the hotel at 6:15am in order to get our trains to Strasbourg ( our final days destination) . By tonight we should be back on track....ha ha to get to france then ride into Reims by tomorrow night . Thats where dads story ends for us. Our  hotel receptionist arranged for breakfast packs to be at reception this morning..... And they were. In fact they were delicious. On the train we chatted to a young American guy who was riding a special purpose foldup touring bike that his company manufacture, it seemed to answer all the travel issues with airlines & secure joining brackets as well as cable connections . "salsa" is the company ,so try googling and see what you can find. We have finally arrived at Strasbourg . Big effort. Here for the night and then get to Reims Tomorrow somehow! Ron
Joke of the day. Compliments Antony. A sultry woman is trying to get the attention of the bar man who is ignoring her. Fed up with his attitude , she turns on the charm and saunters over to him and twirls his hair, then runs her index finger over his cheek and finally slips it in between his lips. "Ok lady you certainly have my attention now, so what can this hunk of man do for you?"  "Thanks big boy,"
 she says ..... "But the ladies toilets are out of paper!" by the way please excuse the order of things. I can only get things done while trains are in stations very fast. Plenty to tell about the next leg of the journey. Just as soon as we are sorted with hotels..... We are in France !!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fatboys in the train now. We just passed Jolhava. That's where dad parted company with the Russian army and they threw him a party. Hangover and all he drove away in his very own jeep in the direction of Prague to freedom. Dad described the countryside and as I looked out of the train window my heart skipped as I saw ........


Exactly the same scenery he saw 65 years ago. After a marathon 7 hour train journey we arrived in Pilsen . Yes, you guessed it, this city is famous for it's beer. With precision we left the station and found the Astory hotel nearby & promptly directed to the restaurant which was in the famous Pilsen brewery. Na Spilce was it's name . I did the trout , Jon did the back of knee (pork) he said it was like performing an autopsy, I couldn't look. A discussion ensued about the best line ever said on a fatboy ride, Nigel won! With his comment in Transylvania 2 years ago as we just finished the toughest off road climb ever......" I'll be hard pressed exaggerating this ride when I get home". good night from Ron


Exactly the same scenery he saw 65 years ago. After a marathon 7 hour train journey we arrived in Pilsen . Yes, you guessed it, this city is famous for it's beer. With precision we left the station and found the Astory hotel nearby & promptly directed to the restaurant which was in the famous Pilsen brewery. Na Spilce was it's name . I did the trout , Jon did the back of knee (pork) he said it was like performing an autopsy, I couldn't look. A discussion ensued about the best line ever said on a fatboy ride, Nigel won! With his comment in Transylvania 2 years ago as we just finished the toughest off road climb ever......" I'll be hard pressed exaggerating this ride when I get home". good night from Ron
Wednesday 25th. And your answers to the competition were varied and interesting but Alex , I feel you did have outside assistance & you blew a hole in the "only two words" theory.... Anyway OUR two words that we use originally from Czechoslovakia were....PISTOL. & ROBOT.         After a good sampling of the beers last night fatboys have come to the conclusion the Czechz's know their beer. Last night we found a bar & ordered drinks, we all noticed at the same time that we were being watched & talked about. Feeling uncomfortable , we decided to ignore the vibes. A pint later and Jon turned in horror to announced that we were standing in the middle of a gay bar and that we were the fresh meat." Drink oop  lads , time we were at our hotel" was the call from Ant. Some filming & a coffee in Brno & off to the train station only to be told that our plan for an overnighter to Strasbourg or Nancy was not possible. The best we could get was to Pilsen. All the charm in the world can only stretch so far with a miserable ticketing seller-lady. I think we are now going to have to wing it , trains, bikes, hire cars, buses, are all options to make up the   800 km we need by Saturday. The English contingent have commitments for the Sunday. More later..... Ron


Cont.........  Arriving at the train station , Nigel promptly bought the tickets and announced that we had three trains to connect us to Brno . first in 8 minutes, connection in 4 minutes , next 2 minutes!!!!   If it can be done , we can do it! And bloody hell do it we did!! Finding the correct platforms and running/ riding flat out , up and down stairs ,it was a blur but we rolled into Brno & congratulated Nigel to the max. Just out of Brno is where dad found his abandoned jeep, the one that took him all the way to Reims   . It was German, so he removed the I.D. This is also where he used it to extract a man from a work/ concentration camp as a favor to someone he met in Brno............  More to come. .Ron

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rain and whiskey

We reluctantly rode away from the best hotel yet and yes at last it was raining..... Constantly. Our objective was the Jelinek whiskey distillery  25 km away & a choo choo for Brno. With the precision of a brain surgeon , Ant led us up goat tracks , villages, vertical wet muddy hills to the top of the world , the cows were shocked to see us ! We all made it safely but puffed. Downhill was a total rush. Caution was foremost is our minds until Ant passed me whistling some boring tune, I can't have that , so I reluctantly lifted my hands off the brakes . Later in the bar he had to admit he was suitably impressed with my  bravery bordering stupidity . But at least I passed him !! At the distillery we were given a private viewing of it's history  in English. A Jewish family that perished during the war. How sad. Fruit wines were offered at the tasting but that's not what we were there for, so again we had our own special tasting. Back on the bikes & very pleased with ourselves we happened along the British Scoda rally car team, Phil  Wilks & Guy Pugh. They were as surprised to meet us and hear our story as we were to meet them. Their event starts next week . Being wished a good  , safe journey by them was a real honor. Handshakes & photos  in the rain then we were off. ............to be .continued .........

Another note from the back of the pack

Yesterday started off with rain,for a short 12 klms ride to adistillery.
No one told us about a couple of very steep hills and that the wheels would lose grip. As per usual all went well and we arrived wet but in time for the tour...... in Czech, a slight problem. With out missing a beat we got to the train station just before the train arrived. We then went on a procees of catching three trains miuetss apart with the precission of a military forward movement to arriv at Bruno a town of 450,0000 people. What made this whole day unbievable was that this was all without planning.Another Fatboy success. B
Bye for now Mark.......

Fatboys comp No. 2

Fatboys competition No.2.    Give us two words from czech republic language that are common in our English language . We are keeping records for the most prolific blogger. More valuable prizes on offer, although nobody has collected the last one , cant think why. We love your responses so far & need more to stave off home sickness . Ronaldo

Still no Internet. Sorry to all our readers

Continued.................  We were rewarded, however, with a very stately building that was once the grandest of town halls . Ant cunningly negotiated a room each for us at a mere $ 40 AUD or 23GBP . It gets better, dinner was the grandest feast yet . Nigel devoured his sourcrout soup.  With beers, fine Spanish wine, and finished with the most expensive bottle of desert (pudding) wine in the cellar ! $34 AUD.  or 19 GBP . We were the only guests in the hotel so you can imagine the attention we got 10/10 for food, wine, service, value & accomm. We are in Vsetin but just down the road in Ostrava and where Dad rolled into as an orderly in the Russian army. He tended wounds of soldiers & civilians day and night in the town hall.   All this area was devastated by war. Brno was where he found the famous jeep, we are heading there tomorrow. Can't wait !   .........Ron

No Internet coverage

A nice breakfast was enjoyed out doors in perfect weather, then it was off to the money changer to get some Koruny (Czech republic ) currency. There is no doubt the value here is superb for us Aussies and Britt's alike. Our target destination today was Vsetin , a mere 80 km (50miles) ish .  Right from the start we knew it wasn't going to be easy as there was a blistering head wind to contend with, as if that wasn't enough it was all up hills big enough to make a grown man cry. 19 km. Later and about an hour later, we stopped for a break and most of us had now drunk all the water we were carrying and nearly all our snacks lifted from the buffet breakfast this morning. We thought the hills were over but we were wrong...... They were relentless . By 1:00 pm we were not half way and the heat was wig us again! Antony & Nigel had decide that the bike paths were going to be more interesting as well as safer so that's what we did. Then we happened on the find of the day, and there is one every day in this country of great surprises . The " blabla bar. An outdoor bar hidden away from tourists behind a tatoo shop . Tables made of engine parts , helmet hooks made of steel offcuts, stools made of 20 gallon steel drums, cool motorbike related posters . If you like a drink and bikes and cars then you would think you had died and gone to heaven.  Did I tell you about lunch? Well , that was great too, and so so cheap. The only complaint was she filled Mark's water bottle from the toilets. No one else's, go figure. We hit the bike track for the last time & high tailed it for the city of Vsetin. Now when we rode into town the first hotel was fully booked but not to be deterred we headed for the little hotel just around the corner, (according to the receptionist at the first hotel). Up the biggest hill in town, no the world 

Monday, August 23, 2010

A competition for our blog readers

Here's a little competition for all our readers at home.. Place the letter " R" anywhere in the word Fatboys that will more appropriately describe us. The winner will go into the draw to ride with us next year. Your entries will be published so be as cruel as you like. Wives have a home advantage and will be handicapped so that others have an equal chance at the big prize. No mudslinging will be entered into and the judges decission will be final . Signed chief judge, Ron

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A note from the back of the pack.

Yesterday was another great day in paradice, in spite of being on the warm side.
We rode into Czech Republic with out fanfare just went over the river.
Antony and Nigel have been doing an excellent job of Navigating, John must have travelledd 30% more doing his filming. Ron has been pressing on hard with Antony and I have been admiring the view from the back. Just before we mafde the boarder yesterday we re hydrated outside a local store Ron feel asleep on the grass catching flys in his mouth, it was not long before we all ha a little nap.. Like you comments Dan.
A note from the back. Mark

Czech republic

Off to Czech republic today. After a hearty breakfast and a warm goodbye from Anna at the museum our time on quiet country roads was very pleasant then t he weather started to heat up into the 30s very quickly as well as a strong wind on our right side, which made the going a bit tough for mark and Jon particularly .Nigel never complains about anything and Ant just needed to keep the beer up in order to push through. 87km today finds us in Opava, just over the Polish border. There was no hint of a border crossing or formality, just a bridge and an unassuming sign. We have to change currency tomorrow morning. $1.00 aud equals polish zl 2.8 equals Czech k 17.48 equals GBP .57 we are rich!!! . We just checked into the hotel Iberia and somehow Ant managed to cheat his way into the only single room, We was duped again. Ron

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The surprise

The surprise ....well we woke and made ready for our tour guide, Anna, to materialize . I made brekky with Nigels help, we all cleaned up and ironed our clothes in readiness. We were all dressing the "by jeep to freedom tshirts supplied by myself and I must  say we all scrubbed up very well. Anna appeared and the intro's were made. Now for the surprise ...Anna was so excited as she announced that after extensive searching through the basic records the Russians handed over to them, the microfilm we were so proudly shown by Anna and her staff showed the word " FLUCHT" which in German means flown the coop.the records showed he had escaped with "digger"and now we have him name too. It was official. This , however, was not his last escape from Stalag V111b . Anna then diected us into the board room where we were treated to tea & biscuits & a detailed chat about dad and the records I had. Then in walked a camera man with a professional broadcast camera on his shoulder. Followed by the local tv celeb with a big microphone in hand . TVP 3 Opole was printed proudly on a triangle on the handle. We were then interrogated by the celeb in heavily spoken broken English.  Now that we had been etched into tv history it was time to mount the bikes for a display of sincronised riding for the camera. Surprisingly enough Anna produced a bike of her own and we were off to Stalag V111b ( we were in the admin block) after a pretty two km ride we arrived and were shown what was left....... No buildings but the cobbled roar that all the unfortunate troops walked along were there . This track was in it's original condition . Anna was a wealth of info as we rode. 62,000 men perished while under the "care" of the Germans including whilst in work details. The major memorial for soldiers of all countries was dignified and solemn. It was five o'clock before we got back to our accommodation.    We raced for the Telly to watch our debut on OpoleTV, we missed it, no matter, Anna promised us a copy in the mail. Chef Anton knocked up two soups then chefs Nigel & Jon treated us to a chicken and rice dish, ............ Not too bad either. Thanks Mark for doing the dishes as I typed the one finger IPhone tap tap. Nigel & Ant were now on the maps for tomorrows great adventure. Its Good night from me and its good night from him. The one Ronnie. Happy birthday Rita xxx

Friday, August 20, 2010

After the best ever breakfast so far on the trip, at the Art Hotel, Wroclaw. We paid up and the 70yr old butler carried and loaded my bike bags then.... hugged me and the rest of the team, as a sign of recognition for our pilgrimage, that's what we put it down to.. Europeans!?

We cruised out of the city slick streaming (drafting) a local who was doing 35kph in flip flops (thongs) !! Then we cut to the back roads, after advice from the locals, absolutely not to continue... we continued and found a bridge under construction, we shimmied past the work men and then had traffic free few miles. Passed into Brzeg outskirts where we heard a shout "Oih English" he heard us talking and was an English translator - who then gave us his card and a cold can of beer to wash the dust 

down. The town of Brzeg  (where the two little boys were shot in the book) we partook of Christmas beers and good food. More wonderful lanes, Forrest tracks and field paths we came up to the first of many cobbled roads which shook up our beer & brains. 

Others we met Mr Rusa (65 years old) who cycled with us to point us in the right direction, the local drinking team at our refreshment break and the giggly girls who  sent us off in the wrong direction.

We rolled into Lambinowice bang on 7pm (as arranged) oblivious to the 93KM covered all feeling happy and chilled. We are now at the Stalag VIII museum where we are staying for the next two nights.

Ron's got a big day tomorrow hence my waffle. Polish TV and the "surprise" I am sure he will update you then.

Cheers Antony (navigator & interpreter!)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Train ride

Breakfast in Lublin in the Grand Hotel Lublinianka was a real treat with latka's (traditional apple pancake) , pastries , b&e etc. We justified the big brekky by having a Turkish bath and sauna the night before. By the way we rated dinner last night at the Magia 10/10 ,definitely worth a visit if you like perfect service, fine wine & beer oh and the food was scrumptious . We are on the train now for 8 hours to Wroclaw (Breslau) Looking out the windows at a scenery now tranquil, but dad saw it differently. At Kielce he came under heavy artillery fire & thought his days were numbered. Just out of Radom a couple in panic pleaded for help as she was about to give birth. She was put into the back of their jeep where , much to the cheers of the crowds, dad proceeded to deliver a fine baby boy for the couple. New innocent life being brought into a world of turmoil. He was a self taught hospital orderly at the time, and ad-libbed ,as this was certainly not in the commando training manual. Anna , the tour guide at Stalag V111b emailed me to say she has a surprise for us when we arrive on Friday night....... What could it be? I am sitting opposite a tangle
 of bikes as the "special carriage" for them did not materialize . The ticket collectors are not happy, luckily we can't understand them....... More later.  Signing off.. Your intrepid reporter, Ronaldo Blint

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Train to Opole, so no riding today. Layday!

Congratulations to Jon & Katie ,today is their 5th wedding anniversary .  Sorry you can't be with each other today but we need our trusty cameraman to record this epic journey . Jon is so passionate about his filming, I love being around people who love their work/hobby. He is adding another exciting & humorous dimension to this Fatboy's ride . Thanks Katie for your contribution to this event !     Just before I left for this ride my Mum told me that straight after the war dad lived with a sister ( he was the youngest of 17 by the way) when there was a knock on the door from the war office telling her that dad was killed in Europe........ What a laugh!!!?!   Next part of our journey takes us to where many events happened to dad including being shot in the chest with a luger, delivering a baby, taking revenge on a German soldier who shot 2 boys . We will be on the train today for about. 8 hours. Will keep you informed . Hi Dan ( Digit to all our readers) we had a drink to you and seriously miss your company on this ride. Rita, keep trying to post a comment, it must work eventually. Mark's family, we have ALL our expenses very accurately recorded on a spreadsheet for the first time on any ride.  Rachael, how's your rib? We miss you, wish you were here, then Ant would stop talking about you. More news as it unfolds .  Ron 

Zamosc to Lublin with detours.

The weather was perfect for a transport stage to Lublin.
18 degrees and overcast.
Zamosc was a lovely spot and could have spent the day there, we had a traditional Polish dinner in the Hotel Senator. We started with Beetroot soup and dumplings and we had a fare of traditional Polish food that we tasted each others. Antony finish with the piece deristance Warm Beer with Pinks! we will leave that up too your imagination.It was not what we thought it would be.

Todays ride statrted with great gusto and we made the first 60 kilometers by lunch, a cracking pace. Unfortunately luch was pizza and beers the normal 2 hour siesta!
John fell asleep with his beer in one hand and the pizza in the other. We had the normal hand signs and paper to work out what we we actually ordering, all went prety close to plan except for Ron's pizza was yet to be definned.

The decission was to go the last 25 kilometers on the B roads and have a stop.
Antony lead off several times down dead ends, then Nigel took control and we finally started moving in the direction of Lubin.

We arrived at 6.00 a very slow 25 kilometers due urgent hydration issues that occurred for Antony. Purely for Medicinal purposes only. He was saved for terrible dehydration.........

We are staying in a very nice Hotel in Lubin that had a Sauna that helped relieve tired bodies.

That it for now from Nigel and Mark.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ukraine Polish border crossing

Poland. We crossed the border from Ukraine yesterday morning.. Very long and serious business till Nigel was sternly questioned as to why his passport photo was faded. When he replied " washing machine " the fatboys burst out laughing and we all nearly got arrested. A total of 67 km "easy on road " was covered today. We finished the day at a very pretty Zamosc  . This is the route dad could well have taken whilst moving with the Ukraine army, he was still an orderly at this stage and putting their stocks of bandages and medicines in some sort of order. He also acquired the above somehow as these items were not high on the army's priority list. Zamosc is where, in 1588 Jews were granted permission to live . By 1940 there were 12000 by end of 1941 there were none. ...... Living .   

Sent from Ron's phone. Regards Ron

Biggest day yet in fatboy history. 17th

17th  Biggest day it fatboy history...  L'vov is where Dad laid down his Russian rifle & volunteered to be an orderly in a Russian hospital.         Here's just a quick run down of a very big fatboys day. 6:00am offloaded at L'vov. Ride round till we found the only bike shop with no stock as Nigel arrived with no helmet or spd riding shoes???? Jewish museum which was a very moving experience for all. Found two addresses where Rita's (my wife) late father was born & lived. Met some locals.  Found the oldest brewery in Europe for a tour & tasting. Rode off to next town , got hopelessly lost in the forest, negotiated sandy trails where i proceeded to tumble off the bike twice, i was scored at 8 & 8.5 with degree of difficulty included,  The regular fatboys were loving the experience, Mark ( his first fatboys ride) lost all hope of ever seeing his loved ones ever again. 7:00pm offered  accommodation in a hospital, then  a local guy's floor in his house . Nothing worked out so we made a run for 18 km away. Dirty, tired, hungry, but satisfied, ( well,all but Mark) we rode into Ravi rusky as darness descended. We spotted a grand hotel to discover we were the only guests but negotiated a great deal and dinner, using sign language, drawings and sheer charm . We met some great characters through the day who assisted with directions , much to everyone 's amusement . 14 hours in the saddle. 90 km. What a big big day.  Ron

"no bikes on train". 16th

"no bikes on train" 16th  . After a magnificent meal on the rooftop of a very classy restaurant we gathered at the hotel , bikes at the ready . With only 20 minutes to do a 30 min ride to the station in the dark in a strange city, we were off! Two wrong turns later saw up run from platform to platform looking for our train. We finally made it with ten min to spare........ So we thought. We we greeted at a very busy platform with a stern "no bikes on train" how can this be possible,  Sergai , who sold us the tickets said" bikes ok". No amount of pleading, bribing , begging would sway our little authoritarian . A passerby took up our fight in Ukrainian . A crack in her armor appeared & we disassembled every bike & threw them on the crowded sleeper as it pulled away! All was good but that was close . Too close!!! More later from a very grateful Ron 

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Mark woke early to assemble his bike that arrived compliments of Lufthanser at 1 :45 am Brekky then on our bikes to join the others in their city hotel. Bike and packed panniers weigh about 25 kilo's so they took a few km to get used to the weight considering my bike at home weighs 8 kg. Mark was not impressed. We all met Sergey at the train station to collect our tickets then a walking tour of Kiev . Grand, but a bit tired. So much history and so little time to see it. Tonight we train it in overnight sleepers to L'vov. That's where dad and Andy met the 1st Ukraine army. I will also visit Rita's ( my wifes) dad's birth place. More later .by the way it's 35degrees.....bloody hot. Ron

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, we arrived at Kiev airport on an uneventful flight and bumped straight into the other members of our Fatboys who were assembling their bikes in the busy airport. I spotted my bike box but poor Mark was not so lucky.......no bike, it was left in Munich. After a stressful discussion with the airline the box was finally delivered to our hotel at1.45 am, The stress is over and a good breakfast in us and we are off to meet the others in the city of Kiev. By the way poor Rachael is not with Antony as she was test riding her new bike for this trip and crashed, she cracked a rib so now there are five. Really sorry to hear that, as I was looking forward to meeting up again.
Mark was not impressed when we packed our bikes and couldn'd lift the back of it off the ground.....Day 1 is underway

Munich again

14 August,
Here we are again back at Munich airport for the second time, on our way to Kiev to begin the serious part of the ride.
Big concert on in Split last night with some called Carl Cox, would have let my hair down if I had any the town was full of younger people.
Ron helped me pack my bike box to the trip to Kiev today all fitted in Ok, we will see tomorrow if I have too much to take in the Panniers. I down to my to nothing already, so I do not know how much more I can get rid of.
We arrived this morning to 14 Degrees after 25+ and humid weather in Croatia.
Maybe the change is coming, who knows but we are looking forward to the challenge.
Regards Mark

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Post a comment

If you want to post a comment and I hope you do, click the word "comments" then type in the white box. Don't forget it is public viewing, so don't be naughty. Ron & Mark

On the eve

By jeep to freedom.  Well I am on the eve of the big ride. I must say I am very excited considering I have been talking about it for a long time now.  My dear father , Woolf, died on 7/11/99 while Rita and I were in New Zealand on holiday. It was most unexpected for me as I visited him the day we left three days earlier, all seemed very normal. I guess I never got to say good bye as one would if I had prior warning but  I had many opportunity to tell him how I admired & loved him  during my daily visits with him. He had dimenture for his last five years but we had the richest times together. His love, and sharp humor were always a delight. I found myself driving faster as I dropped in on him. The day after I returned with Rita for the funeral Mum gave me his army documents including the cloth insignia of his unit, V1 Highland light infantry (Scotland). The need came upon me & I did a very unusual thing for a Jewish boy, I had it replicated on my left upper arm as a tattoo. I have never since felt a loss for him as I feel him with me all the time & during the tougher things I have done I feel his presence . He was a true adventurer in every sense and I guess I love taking him with me on my trecks 'cos I know he would do them given the chance again. Riding the toughest mountains I often talk to him & touch my arm..... I always make it .   I hope you enjoy the Fatboy's ride with me as we cross 5 countries & follow a great man's journey, Unlike dad's treck, we don't expect to have people shooting at us......... I hope    Regards Ron 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A note for Dan.

Yes Dan you were right I had to couple of time to stuff my heart back into my chest. But let me say this that Ron had to stop also. I didn't win the race but did make it. Need you here to keep us going. All the best M

Island of Vis 11 of August 2010

Island of Vis.Two hour ferry ride from Split to visit the island of Vis. One of the smaller islands of Croatia. We decided not to take bikes after yesterday big ride. So Easy Rider Ron, decided that motor cycle would the mode of transport for the day. Arrived at about 11.30to find out that we could not get a motor cycle till 1.00. Ron was hungry, so we had a snack beside another picturesque harbor. Each harbour is better than the last one. After eating we followed a laneway to a small shops that housed an artist who returned after the communist left. He gave Ron a glass of wine that his family had made and was selling in his shop. The motor cycle was at the bottom end of the range and had it's work cut out carrying Ron and I, possibly not my smartest move. We rode to Komiza which was another stunning harbour with beautiful little beach. We swam and had another drink. It was idealic, we then started the 14 kilometer return passing several other towns a long the coast. We stopped off for another drink before catching the two hour ferry ride back to Split. Our general opinion is that Croatian is one of the most desirable holiday destinations we have seen. We would have liked to have a sail but it just didn't work out. All the best Mark.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Island of Brac

10 of August Mark and Ronnie set off for the Island of Brac by ferry. A 45 minuite ferry ride landed us in Supetar. We hit the groud running and made for Pucisca coastal road views were bearth taking as we climbed world class roads. Pucisca was idealic and hard to leave but Bol was in our sights neext. Vitus Mt is thehighest peak in all Croatian islands, as the day the day heated to ahumid 30 we felt we were preparing ourselves well for the next Fatboys adventure. This island contribution is it's famous Brac building stone, Olive oil, wine and sour cherrys and of course fishing. A big day on the hills then bachome by ferry were Mark found the best Pizza place in Split. Signing off Ron.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Well we made it to Croatia, a very long flight.
Some how my bike box got opened and my lights an computer were removed, the world has not come to a horrible end yet. No great drama.
Ronnie is hype active as usual. We are stnned by the beauty of Split and Dubrovnik. We marvel at the biuildings and how these small towns evoled from the Roman times.
Yesterday we went for a longer ride around Split. It all started well and we rode about 20 klms in the heat , then we found a park unfortunatly for me it a hill, a shorter version of Arthurs Seat. Yes we rode up it. We came back and fell a sleep at 8 , that was the end of our day. Thats my update. all the bestt from Mark.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

5/8 Well we are in Munich airport filling in time before our flight to Split Croatia. So far we have been in transit for 24 hours and will be glad to unpack our bikes and hit the road on the Dalmatian Coast.
Yarn ( my Melbourne/ Polish supporter) was at Melbourne airport to see us off and assured us he will continue to tell the world of this momentous event . Thanks Yarn. ............cheers Ron