Saturday, August 21, 2010

The surprise

The surprise ....well we woke and made ready for our tour guide, Anna, to materialize . I made brekky with Nigels help, we all cleaned up and ironed our clothes in readiness. We were all dressing the "by jeep to freedom tshirts supplied by myself and I must  say we all scrubbed up very well. Anna appeared and the intro's were made. Now for the surprise ...Anna was so excited as she announced that after extensive searching through the basic records the Russians handed over to them, the microfilm we were so proudly shown by Anna and her staff showed the word " FLUCHT" which in German means flown the coop.the records showed he had escaped with "digger"and now we have him name too. It was official. This , however, was not his last escape from Stalag V111b . Anna then diected us into the board room where we were treated to tea & biscuits & a detailed chat about dad and the records I had. Then in walked a camera man with a professional broadcast camera on his shoulder. Followed by the local tv celeb with a big microphone in hand . TVP 3 Opole was printed proudly on a triangle on the handle. We were then interrogated by the celeb in heavily spoken broken English.  Now that we had been etched into tv history it was time to mount the bikes for a display of sincronised riding for the camera. Surprisingly enough Anna produced a bike of her own and we were off to Stalag V111b ( we were in the admin block) after a pretty two km ride we arrived and were shown what was left....... No buildings but the cobbled roar that all the unfortunate troops walked along were there . This track was in it's original condition . Anna was a wealth of info as we rode. 62,000 men perished while under the "care" of the Germans including whilst in work details. The major memorial for soldiers of all countries was dignified and solemn. It was five o'clock before we got back to our accommodation.    We raced for the Telly to watch our debut on OpoleTV, we missed it, no matter, Anna promised us a copy in the mail. Chef Anton knocked up two soups then chefs Nigel & Jon treated us to a chicken and rice dish, ............ Not too bad either. Thanks Mark for doing the dishes as I typed the one finger IPhone tap tap. Nigel & Ant were now on the maps for tomorrows great adventure. Its Good night from me and its good night from him. The one Ronnie. Happy birthday Rita xxx


  1. Hi Ronnie
    How exciting! We are thrilled to read of your tv debut and more importantly, to know that you now have all Dad's records. Printed out your post to show Mum today and she sat down and wrote out the following words for me to send to you on this site, as follows: "Ron, I am just bursting with pride, you have achieved your dream. Dad I'm sure is aware of your achievement. What a thrill for you, now just enjoy the rest of the trip and thank the "fat boys" for what they are doing for you. Love you and watch how you go, Mum xx"
    Love you too! Avril and Brian xx

  2. Hey Ronnie,
    Capkins here. PJEJ. Wow! You bring a tear to my eye. Feel like I'm almost there with you. What a journey. Can't wait to catch up on your return. Watch how you go.
    Love Plok

  3. Hi Dad,
    I'm so glad your story has been filmed and you have all the documents now. What an amazing thing you're doing. I'm sure you looked very smart with those t-shirts on. Can't wait to see the interview!
    Love Mel
