Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Biggest day yet in fatboy history. 17th

17th  Biggest day it fatboy history...  L'vov is where Dad laid down his Russian rifle & volunteered to be an orderly in a Russian hospital.         Here's just a quick run down of a very big fatboys day. 6:00am offloaded at L'vov. Ride round till we found the only bike shop with no stock as Nigel arrived with no helmet or spd riding shoes???? Jewish museum which was a very moving experience for all. Found two addresses where Rita's (my wife) late father was born & lived. Met some locals.  Found the oldest brewery in Europe for a tour & tasting. Rode off to next town , got hopelessly lost in the forest, negotiated sandy trails where i proceeded to tumble off the bike twice, i was scored at 8 & 8.5 with degree of difficulty included,  The regular fatboys were loving the experience, Mark ( his first fatboys ride) lost all hope of ever seeing his loved ones ever again. 7:00pm offered  accommodation in a hospital, then  a local guy's floor in his house . Nothing worked out so we made a run for 18 km away. Dirty, tired, hungry, but satisfied, ( well,all but Mark) we rode into Ravi rusky as darness descended. We spotted a grand hotel to discover we were the only guests but negotiated a great deal and dinner, using sign language, drawings and sheer charm . We met some great characters through the day who assisted with directions , much to everyone 's amusement . 14 hours in the saddle. 90 km. What a big big day.  Ron


  1. YOU CAN DO IT DAD!!! I am so proud of you!!

    Tour de France, eat your heart out :P

  2. Trust you guys to find a brewery for tasters!!!!

    Keep on peddling, it all gets easier after day 3!?!

    Sending you all positive vibes and lots of love,
    Katie and the wee fellas
    x x x x x

  3. 8.0 to 8.5 getting better, 9.0 next time: remember Ronnie; do it in slow motion with grace and finesse! Sounds like an overnight at a hospital was nearly appropriate. Thank heavens for the brewery; like Katie I was beginning to worry about you guys. The locals sound interesting, how is the food? See Nigel, that's what happens when you go and buy a fancy bike! Cheers

  4. Wow! Our dad would be proud of your resourcefulness and certainly revelling in your adventures thus far. Our mum is definitely rapt to hear/read everything, especially now she can receive sms's. And I am just plain proud of you. love, your big sister - and bro in law. xxx
